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Core Web Vitals: Avoid losing traffic by paying attention to them

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Understanding Core Web Vitals is crucial for any website owner. They are a set of real-world user experience metrics that Google considers significant in a webpage’s overall user experience. Let’s jump right into it.

What are Core Web Vitals (CWV)?

Core Web Vitals are comprised of three primary metrics: Largest Contentful Paint, Cumulative Layout Shift, and Interaction to Next Paint, which supersedes the erstwhile First Input Delay, commonly referred to as FID. Additionally, there are other significant metrics like Time to First Byte and First Contentful Paint.

“Only 12% of mobile results and 13% of desktop results passed the CWV assessment, meaning they were considered good in all three metrics.”

ScreamingFrog Research from 2020

Explaining Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Largest Contentful Paint loads that it determines when the main content of a page is ready for the viewer. It’s critical as it impacts how users perceive the speed of your page. Ideally, your LCP should happen within 2.5 seconds to keep users happy.

Why LCP matters

  • A high LCP score might narrate a tale of a slow, lagging website.
  • In contrast, if your content loads swiftly, users can read or interact almost immediately.

Interpreting LCP scores

  • Scores under 2.5 seconds are considered good.
  • Scores between 2.6 to 3.9 seconds need improvement.
  • Scores above 4 seconds are rated poor and likely to affect user experience negatively.

Explaining Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) values graph

Cumulative Layout Shift measures the visual stability of your website — how much the content moves or shifts as a page loads. Have you ever been startled by a button moving just as you’re about to click it? That’s layout shift in action. These movements can frustrate visitors, leading to a poor user experience.

To reduce user irritation, it’s crucial to keep your page’s CLS score as low as possible, ideally under 0.1, signifying minimal unexpected content movement.

Remember, when content is stable, visitors can navigate your site with confidence and ease — that’s the ultimate goal!

Why CLS matters

  • Significant layout shifts may cause users to accidentally click on the wrong item, resulting in frustration and distrust.
  • Reading content that jumps around the screen can be jarring and distracting for the visitor.

Interpreting CLS scores

  • Scores under 0.1 are considered good.
  • Scores between 0.11 to 0.24 need improvement.
  • Scores above 0.25 are rated poor and likely to affect user experience negatively.

Explaining Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) values graph

Interaction to Next Paint is a fresh metric targeting the measure of responsiveness when a user first interacts with your website. Think of it as evaluating the time between a user’s action, like a click or a tap, and when they see the result of that action on your screen.

For a seamless user experience, you want to make sure your site performs well not just visually, but also in terms of interaction. User expectations are high, and even small delays can be noticeable.

Keep an eye on INP, as it’s a burgeoning aspect of user experience that could become increasingly important in the years ahead!

Why INP matters

  • INP helps identify those moments where users might feel your site is slow or unresponsive, despite other metrics suggesting otherwise.
  • It doesn’t just record the time it takes for the browser to start processing an interaction but also considers how long it takes to complete that task.
  • While INP primarily assesses the first user interaction, it plays a role in crafting their initial impression about your site’s performance.
  • It also reflects how well the page could handle additional interactions, which is vital for complex apps and websites.

Interpreting INP scores

  • Scores under 200 milliseconds are considered good.
  • Scores between 201 milliseconds to 499 milliseconds need improvement.
  • Scores above 500 milliseconds are rated poor and likely to affect user experience negatively.

Explaining Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) values graph

Time to First Byte is a critical metric that measures the duration from a user’s request to the moment the browser receives the first byte of your web page. It’s an under-the-hood look at the initial stages of the loading experience, denoting the responsiveness of your web server or hosting provider.

The purpose is to have your TTFB under 200 milliseconds, as it can greatly enhance the perceived performance of your site. Always keep in mind, the quicker your server responds, the sooner your content starts to emerge, and the happier your users are likely to be.

By optimizing your TTFB, you’re setting a solid foundation for your website’s overall speed and establishing good first impressions with your visitors.

Why TTFB matters

  • A swift TTFB is a sign of a robust server setup and network, indicating that your site gets off the blocks quickly.
  • Slow TTFBs can be a red flag that your server or resource delivery might be bogging down the user experience from the start.
  • TTFB is the sum of network and server processing times, setting the stage for all subsequent page-loading activities.
  • A prolonged TTFB means the browser must wait longer before it can start rendering the page, which can push back all other page speed metrics.

Interpreting TTFB scores

  • Scores under 800 milliseconds are considered good.
  • Scores between 801 milliseconds to 1799 milliseconds need improvement.
  • Scores above 1800 milliseconds are rated poor and likely to affect user experience negatively.

Explaining First Contentful Paint (FCP)

First Contentful Paint (FCP) values graph

First Contentful Paint is a fundamental metric tracking the time from when the page begins to load to when any part of the page’s content is first displayed on the screen. It includes text, images, or even SVGs. A swift FCP is reassuring to users as it gives a visual cue that the page is loading.

The earlier the FCP occurs, the faster a user feels the site is, positively influencing their perception of your website’s performance. Delayed FCP may lead to impatience and potentially increase bounce rates as visitors might believe that the page is stuck or broken.

A good FCP time would be 1.8 seconds or less, which falls into the “fast” category, conveying to users that your site is responsive and they can start interacting with it almost immediately.

Understanding and optimizing your FCP score is vital for holding your visitor’s attention from the moment they land on your page. That first impression counts!

Why FCP matters

  • In today’s fast-paced digital environment, users expect a website to load quickly; a low FCP time aligns with those expectations.
  • A fast FCP can have a cumulative effect, contributing positively to other performance metrics and overall user satisfaction.

Interpreting FCP scores

  • Scores under 1.8 seconds are considered good.
  • Scores between 1.8 to 3 seconds need improvement.
  • Scores above 3 seconds are rated poor and likely to affect user experience negatively.

Why are Core Web Vitals so important?

Core Web Vitals are critical because they embody a group of particular elements that Google deems significant in evaluating a webpage’s overall user experience. These indicators—Largest Contentful Paint, Interaction to Next Paint, and Cumulative Layout Shift—measure the user’s practical experience regarding loading efficiency, responsiveness, and visual constancy. Achieving high Web Vitals scores is essential to guarantee a seamless, swift, and engaging website experience, which is pivotal in the modern, competitive digital environment.

Having strong Core Web Vitals is essential for search engine optimization, as Google has incorporated these indicators into its ranking formula. Sites with superior scores tend to appear higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), resulting in more visibility and natural traffic. In essence, by enhancing these vitals, site proprietors can boost their website’s visibility and potentially decrease the abandonment rates that come from subpar user experiences.

Making Core Web Vitals a priority can contribute to increased conversion rates. A site that loads rapidly, reacts without delay to user inputs, and sustains a consistent layout is more likely to hold onto users and instill trust, which has a direct effect on its commercial prosperity. Therefore, monitoring these metrics has become imperative.

Google Algorithm Update – June 2021

In June 2021, Google released a pivotal algorithm update, integrating Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor to emphasize the importance of page experience. This marked a significant shift in SEO, as it highlighted the value of the user’s experience on a website beyond the traditional focus on content quality and keyword relevance. With this update, Google made it clear that pages offering a superior user experience would have an edge in search engine rankings.

The update meant that webmasters and SEOs had to ensure that websites were optimized not just for content but also for these new metrics to maintain or improve search engine visibility. Websites with long-loading visuals or unstable interfaces risked falling lower on SERPs, offering a competitive advantage to sites with better-performing metrics.

Core Web Vitals Update – March 2024

Google is poised to launch its most significant revision to Core Web Vitals since their inception in 2020. By March 2024, Google intends to substitute the First Input Delay (FID) metric with the Interaction to Next Paint (INP). This modification will have implications for website proprietors globally, and it is advised that they undertake appropriate measures to enhance their INP metrics.

While it’s key to prepare for the Core Web Vitals update in March 2024, always remember that the ultimate goal of these metrics is to ensure a delightful user experience which fosters loyalty and benefits your online presence in the long term.

How to measure Core Web Vitals?

Google Search Console

Google Search Console example

Google Search Console is a pivotal tool for webmasters, SEO experts, and site owners to measure their website’s search traffic and performance. It’s the go-to place to understand how Google views your site and to optimize for better search presence.

Understanding Core Web Vitals in Google Search Console

  • Google Search Console provides a dedicated section for Core Web Vitals under the “Enhancements” menu, giving insights into how well your pages perform in terms of LCP, INP, and CLS.
  • By using Google Search Console, you can see which pages are excelling and which ones require attention, all broken down by mobile and desktop devices for comprehensive analysis.

Using Google Search Console to improve your site’s performance

  • The report in GSC not only identifies pages that need improvement but also categorizes issues for you to prioritize your optimization efforts efficiently.
  • By clicking on specific issues, you’ll get a list of affected URLs, where you can start troubleshooting and enhancing your web pages’ performance.

How to leverage Google Search Console data

  • Utilize the data from Google Search Console to inform your technical SEO strategy and make user experience-driven improvements.
  • Regular monitoring and updating your site as per Google Search Console reports can drive better performance in search engine results pages (SERPs) and uphold superior user experience.

Remember, Google Search Console is an informative companion that helps you align your website with Google’s best practices and user experience standards. It guides you through the process of creating a website that’s not only liked by search engines but loved by users too.

Google Chrome UX Report

Google Chrome UX Report example

Google Chrome UX Report is a powerful resource that offers real-world user experience insights for millions of websites. It allows you to see the performance of your site through the eyes of actual Chrome users, providing metrics across different devices and geographical locations.

Gleaning insights from real-world data

  • The report provides user experience metrics for how real-world Chrome users experience popular destination on the web, encompassing all of the Core Web Vitals.
  • By tapping into this dataset, you can understand how your site measures up to user expectations in various conditions and locations.

Drilling down into user experience with Chrome UX Report

  • Chrome UX Report helps you identify trends and patterns in user experience, enabling more targeted improvements.
  • You can explore dimensions such as device type, country, and connection type, which gives you a nuanced understanding of your site’s performance globally.

Maximizing the potential of Chrome UX Report

  • As part of your ongoing performance analysis, incorporate insights from Chrome UX Report to stay in tune with how actual users interact with your site.
  • Leveraging this data can help in prioritizing performance optimizations that can substantially enhance the user experience.

By utilizing the Chrome UX Report, you are basing your decisions on a wealth of user experience data. This can lead to more impactful decisions that resonate with your audience’s actual browsing conditions, leading to a better overall experience on your site.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights example

Google PageSpeed Insights is a tool that evaluates the loading speed and performance of your website. By simply inputting your page’s URL, it provides valuable insights into both field and lab data to help you pinpoint areas for improvement.

Harnessing PageSpeed Insights for performance analysis

  • PageSpeed Insights offers a comprehensive analysis of your page’s performance on both mobile and desktop devices, including real-world usage data if available.
  • It breaks down the results into actionable feedback, highlighting “Opportunities” and “Diagnostics” to enhance speed and user experience.

Deep dive into lab and field data with PageSpeed Insights

  • Lab data in PageSpeed Insights is based on simulations, providing immediate feedback on how your page performs under controlled conditions.
  • Field data, on the other hand, reflects the real-world experiences of your site among Chrome users, which can be invaluable for understanding actual user conditions.

Improving your site with PageSpeed Insights

  • Use the improvement suggestions offered by PageSpeed Insights to prioritize which areas to tackle first for maximum performance gains.
  • Pay close attention to the Core Web Vitals section in the report, as these are key metrics that Google uses for ranking purposes.

It is vital to strike a balance between lab and field data offered by PageSpeed Insights to ensure your website is optimized for both technical specifications and the realities of user experience. Regular analysis and updates can help maintain a high-performing, user-friendly site.

Google Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse example

Google Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. It’s integrated directly into the Chrome browser and can also be run as a standalone application or as part of your continuous integration pipeline.

Optimizing with Lighthouse audits

  • Lighthouse generates reports on your web pages in categories including performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and best practices.
  • For performance, in particular, it gives you a Lighthouse Performance Score and offers insights into the Core Web Vitals, guiding you on how to improve them.

Understanding the Lighthouse performance score

  • The score is an aggregate of various metric scores, including Core Web Vitals, and reflects the user experience on your website.
  • It’s based on lab data and uses a weighted average of the metric scores, with LCP, TBT, and CLS having the heaviest influence since the Lighthouse 8 update.

Making the most of Lighthouse reports

  • Lighthouse not only identifies performance issues but also provides you with detailed recommendations and direct links to more information on how to resolve them.
  • By regularly utilizing Lighthouse to audit your website, you can continuously refine and elevate your site’s performance and user experience.

Lighthouse is a powerful ally for webmasters and developers alike to systematically optimize their websites, ensuring they meet the modern demands of web performance and user experience. Its actionable insights are invaluable for anyone looking to improve their Core Web Vitals scores.

Google Chrome DevTools

Google Chrome DevTools example

Google Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. They offer an in-depth look at the inner workings of your website, allowing you to assess performance, debug issues, and understand how your site is rendered by the browser.

Core Web Vitals and Chrome DevTools

  • Within Chrome DevTools, you can monitor the Core Web Vitals in real-time for the page you’re currently inspecting.
  • Access Web Vitals information easily through the Performance panel or use the ‘Web Vitals’ overlay in the Command Menu for on-the-fly analysis.

Getting the most out of Performance tools

  • The Performance Tab in Chrome DevTools enables you to record and review a page’s load and runtime performance, with a detailed breakdown of resource loading times, scripting, rendering, and other critical metrics.
  • You can also inspect elements to observe layout shifts, helping you minimize CLS, and use the Network panel to analyze resource delivery for optimizing LCP and TTFB.

Optimizing with real-time feedback

  • Using Chrome DevTools, you can make changes to your CSS and JavaScript on the fly and immediately see how those changes could impact your Core Web Vitals.
  • The tool is indispensable for developers who want to optimize their web pages by directly experimenting with and measuring the influence of their adjustments.

Chrome DevTools is an indispensable resource for hands-on performance tuning and experimentation. It empowers you to refine user experience proactively by leveraging its extensive suite of debugging, analytical, and optimization features.


GTmetrix example

GTmetrix is a popular online tool that analyzes the loading speed of your website, providing insights into various performance metrics. It’s user-friendly and serves as a great complement to Google’s native testing tools for a well-rounded performance analysis.

Streamlining performance analysis with GTmetrix

  • GTmetrix takes a comprehensive look at your site’s load time and offers detailed reports, including a snapshot of key performance indicators like largest contentful paint (LCP) and total blocking time (TBT).
  • It also provides a breakdown of potential issues that may be hindering your site’s performance, along with strategies for addressing them.

Leveraging GTmetrix reports for improvement

  • Beyond just scores, GTmetrix reports offer a timeline of page load activities, which can help you pinpoint exactly where delays are occurring.
  • It also presents historical data, enabling you to track performance over time and assess the impact of any optimizations you implement.

Maximizing usability and optimization:

  • With features like setting different testing locations and simulating various devices, GTmetrix helps you understand how your site performs around the globe and on different devices.
  • The tool additionally provides waterfall charts and video playback to visually identify elements that load slowly or cause layout shifts.

Employing GTmetrix alongside other performance measurement tools can help ensure that the optimizations you execute are both efficient and effective, contributing to better user experience and potentially improved search rankings due to enhanced Core Web Vitals.


DebugBear example

DebugBear is a sophisticated site speed monitoring service designed to help you keep a close eye on the performance and health of your website. It simplifies understanding and tracking the Core Web Vitals, allowing you to observe how these and other metrics evolve over time.

DebugBear additionally offers real-user monitoring, an exceptional service that aids in troubleshooting problems that are challenging to replicate.

Starting with DebugBear monitoring

  • DebugBear can start testing your website in just minutes, providing consistent performance monitoring that blends lab data with the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) field data.
  • You can also monitor your site’s SEO and Accessibility scores generated by Google’s Lighthouse tool, all within the same platform.

Deep insight into Core Web Vitals with DebugBear

  • The service doesn’t just check your site once; it continuously monitors your Core Web Vitals, so you can catch issues before they become problematic.
  • DebugBear offers detailed reports and notifications of performance regressions, which can prevent unexpected drops in Google rankings and user satisfaction.

Optimization backed by data

  • By providing historical data, DebugBear allows you to track your performance over time, signifying the impact of changes and updates you’ve made.
  • Benchmarking against competitors is another feature, aiding in strategic planning for website improvement.

DebugBear stands out as a tool that not only highlights performance issues but also assists in systematically addressing them through consistent monitoring and accurate data. It empowers you to prioritize fixes that benefit both user experience and SEO, supporting a holistic approach to web performance management.

How to improve Core Web Vitals?

Every metric stands out as so distinct that it’s impossible to suggest a one-size-fits-all approach. Let’s explore each metric individually.

How to improve Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Improving Largest Contentful Paint is integral to boosting the perceived speed of your website and ensuring users aren’t left waiting. Here’s how to get that crucial piece of content in front of your users faster:

Optimize images and media files

  • Compress images without compromising quality to reduce file size for quicker loading.
  • Implement lazy loading so that images only load as they are about to enter the viewport.

Enhance server performance

  • Upgrade your hosting or consider a content delivery network (CDN) to serve your files or domain rapidly worldwide.
  • Refine server-side logic and improve TTFB to ensure that the initial information gets to the browser swiftly.

Streamline your CSS and JavaScript

  • Minimize critical CSS and defer non-critical CSS to decrease the time it takes to render the page’s content fully.
  • Limit or eliminate render-blocking JavaScript, especially for above-the-fold content.

Utilize caching techniques

  • Implement effective caching strategies for your website assets to help repeat visitors experience better LCP times.

Adopt modern image formats

  • Use modern, efficient file formats like WebP for images which provide high quality with smaller file sizes.

Review web fonts and third-party scripts

  • Optimize font delivery by preloading key fonts and using font-display to control how and when they are loaded.
  • Monitor and minimize the impact of third-party scripts, as these can slow down content rendering.

By honing in on these areas, you’ll be well on your way to ensuring that your website’s most significant content loads quickly, providing a satisfying experience for your users right out of the gate.

How to improve Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift measures the visual stability of your site, and improving it is crucial to avoid frustrating your visitors with shifting content. Let’s explore the strategies to minimize these shifts:

Reserve space for media and dynamic content

  • Assign specific dimensions to images, videos, and other media. This can prevent them from pushing down other content as they load.
  • Use placeholder skeletons for content that is dynamically loaded, like ads or embedded media, to hold space until the actual content renders.

Deliver consistent UI with CSS

  • Avoid changing styles dynamically that could affect the layout of the page once the CSS has loaded.
  • Cascading your CSS correctly can ensure that once elements appear, they remain in place.

Use transform animations whenever possible

  • Forces a new layer to avoid impacting other elements and causing layout shifts.
  • By using CSS properties like transform for animations and transitions, you prevent re-layout of other elements on the page.

Preload fonts

  • Utilize font-display: swap in your CSS to reduce the likelihood of text causing layout shifts as fonts load or fallback fonts are displayed.

Load third-party scripts asynchronously

  • When using third-party scripts, such as ads or widgets, load them asynchronously or defer their loading to minimize their impact on the stability of your page.

Optimize for mobile devices

  • A site that is responsive and scales its elements properly for different screen sizes will suffer less from CLS issues.

By thoroughly considering each element on your page and how it loads and interacts with others, you can significantly improve your CLS score and create a smoother, more stable experience for your users.

How to improve Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

Enhancing Interaction to Next Paint (INP) focuses on making a website more responsive to user inputs, an essential aspect of perceived performance. Implement these strategies to showcase a seamless interactive experience:

Optimize JavaScript execution

  • Minimize long tasks by breaking up large JavaScript tasks into smaller, asynchronous chunks to keep the main thread clear for user inputs.
  • Use web workers for complex calculations that don’t directly affect the UI, keeping the main thread free for user interactions.

Improve event handling

  • Review and optimize any event handlers present on your page to ensure they are not introducing lag in response to user inputs.
  • Debounce or throttle event listeners that might fire rapidly, such as resizing or scrolling events, to prevent unnecessary processing.

Leverage browser caching

  • By caching assets properly, subsequent visits to your site can have improved INP as the browser doesn’t have to re-download resources.

Prioritize content and interaction

  • Implement priority hints using HTML’s importance attribute to inform the browser of resources that should be loaded with higher or lower priority, based on their relevance to immediate user interaction.

Analyze and remove unnecessary third-party scripts

  • Conduct an audit of third-party scripts to ascertain their impact on interactiveness and eliminate or defer those that are non-essential.

Enable fast DOM updates

  • Optimize the reflow and repaint cycles of your page by minimizing DOM changes, using CSS containment, and leveraging the virtual DOM where possible.

Consistent improvement and testing will help to significantly lower INP, ensuring that users can reliably interact with your website quickly and effectively, fostering a sense of instant feedback and engagement.

How to improve Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Improving Time to First Byte (TTFB) is pivotal to enhancing the initial responsiveness of your website. Here’s how to boost this crucial aspect of server response time:

Opt for a better web hosting service

  • A quality web hosting service with strong server configurations can drastically improve your TTFB.
  • Consider upgrading to a more premium hosting solution or a dedicated server if you’ve been using shared hosting.

Enable server-side caching

  • Utilize server-side caching technologies like Varnish or Memcached to cache content closer to your users and reduce data fetching times.
  • Implementing caching headers helps browsers to store and reuse resources efficiently, optimizing TTFB for subsequent requests.

Use a content delivery network (CDN)

  • CDNs store copies of your site at multiple, geographically dispersed data centers, reducing the distance between your server and your end-users.
  • This geographical proximity can significantly cut down TTFB, particularly for a global audience.

Optimize application code and databases

  • Review and optimize your backend code and database queries to reduce execution time.
  • Regularly profile your server’s performance to identify and troubleshoot any bottlenecks.

Reduce HTTP requests

  • Minimize the number of assets your page requires by bundling files and using CSS sprites, which can reduce server load and TTFB.

Keep your web server software up to date

  • Ensure that your web server software (like Apache, NGINX, or IIS) is current and correctly configured to handle requests efficiently.

By being proactive in these areas, not only will you improve your website’s TTFB, but you’ll also set a strong foundation for other performance metrics, leading to a much quicker and user-friendly site overall.

How to improve First Contentful Paint (FCP)

Refining First Contentful Paint (FCP) is key for delivering a swift visual response to consumers visiting your site. Optimizing FCP leads to better user experiences and can contribute to higher engagement rates. Here’s how to achieve it:

Optimize critical rendering path

  • Evaluate and streamline the critical rendering path by minimizing critical requests depth and reducing critical bytes, enabling the browser to paint content onto the screen faster.

Eliminate render-blocking resources

  • Remove or defer render-blocking JavaScript and CSS files that aren’t essential for the initial render, allowing content to be painted sooner.

Efficiently encode and compress images

  • Compress images and choose appropriate formats, such as WebP or AVIF, which provide high-quality visuals with smaller file sizes.

Implement text compression

  • Use text compression methods like GZIP or Brotli on your server to reduce the size of your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

Utilize browser caching

  • Set up efficient caching policies to store frequently accessed resources in the user’s browser, thus shortening the load time on subsequent visits.

Upgrade hosting solution

  • Invest in a more robust hosting solution or use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to decrease latency and improve loading times for users worldwide.

By focusing on these strategies, you can enhance your First Contentful Paint, setting a positive tone for the user’s experience from the moment your page starts loading. Remember, a faster FCP not only pleases your visitors but can also offer SEO benefits.

Preparing for the future

As the digital landscape continues to evolve rapidly, staying ahead of the curve becomes essential. When it comes to Core Web Vitals and overall website performance, preparing for the future is about anticipating changes and being adaptable.

Continuous learning and adaptation

  • Stay informed about upcoming updates to web standards and Google’s algorithm changes, understanding how they may affect Core Web Vitals.
  • Embrace a culture of continual learning within your team to adapt to new technologies and optimization techniques.

Invest in progressive enhancement

  • Design your website with the foundation of progressive enhancement, ensuring basic functionality for all users while providing advanced features for capable browsers.
  • This approach guarantees usability across a wide range of devices, browsers, and network conditions.

Emphasize user experience design

  • Prioritize user experience in every aspect of your site design, from navigation to content and interactivity.
  • A UX-focused approach ensures that performance improvements are aligned with user satisfaction and retention.

Regular performance auditing

  • Conduct periodic performance audits using tools like Google Lighthouse, Search Console, and PageSpeed Insights to assess your site’s compliance with Core Web Vitals.
  • Use the insights from these audits to create a roadmap for continuous performance enhancement.

Automation and monitoring

  • Set up automated monitoring with tools like DebugBear or custom scripts to track your Core Web Vitals and receive alerts about significant changes.
  • Automate regression testing for performance during your development process to catch potential issues before they reach production.

Optimize for mobile

  • With the increasing prevalence of mobile browsing, ensure that your site is fully responsive and optimized for mobile Core Web Vitals.
  • Consider mobile-first development, as Google typically uses mobile benchmarks for indexing and ranking websites.

By implementing these practices, you’ll not only safeguard your site’s performance for today but also set the stage for a seamless transition into future web developments, ensuring lasting success and relevance in the competitive online arena.


What is a good score on Core Web Vitals?

A “good” score for Core Web Vitals means hitting the recommended thresholds established by Google. For LCP, aim for below 2.5 seconds; for INP, less than 200 milliseconds is the target; and for CLS, maintain a score under 0.1. Meeting these benchmarks means your website is likely providing a positive user experience.

What are the three pillars of Core Web Vitals?

The three pillars of Core Web Vitals are Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) for loading performance, Interaction to Next Paint (INP) for interactivity, and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) for visual stability. Each pillar corresponds to a distinct facet of user experience—load time, responsiveness, and layout stability.

How to check Core Web Vitals?

You can check your website’s Core Web Vitals using tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, Chrome DevTools, and Google Search Console. These tools will analyze your site’s performance, offer a detailed report on the Core Web Vitals, and provide suggestions for improvement.

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